Town Hall Meeting – Bylaws and Letters Patent Amendments 溝通交流會 - 修改治會章則和註冊法案建議提案


Town Hall Meeting – Bylaws and Letters Patent Amendments. The Board of Deacons proposes to amend NYCBC’s Bylaws and Letters Patent to align with the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA). Please see backgrounder for details. There will be a town hall meeting on Sunday, April 28th, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom to go through the proposed changes, gather feedback and answer questions.

溝通交流會 - 修改治會章則和註冊法案建議提案 - 執事會提議修訂北約華人浸信會的治會章則和註冊法案,以符合《安大略省非營利公司法》(ONCA)的要求。詳情請見背景介紹。現定於 2024年4月28日(星期日)下午2:00至3:30透過網上Zoom平台舉行會友溝通交流會議,討論修改建議,收集回饋意見並回答問題。

Backgrounder 背景介紹



Ten-week IT Intern (Software Engineer)
North York (Chinese) Baptist Church, with funding from the Canada Summer Jobs Program, is seeking applicants 18 to 30 years old who are eligible to work in Canada for an ten-week IT Intern (Software Engineer) position to Director to design and develop API applications for streamlining the church's data management process.  The application deadline is May 19, 2024.

在加拿大暑期工作計劃的資助下,教會將會聘請一位 IT Intern (Software Engineer) ,為期 10 週,以協助設計和開發用於簡化教會資料管理流程,請到教會網頁參閱詳情。歡迎18至30歲,合資格在加拿大工作的人申請,申請的截止日期為5月19 。

Job Description 職位簡介

Mandarin Speaking Sub-Congregation Pastor (2-year Contract) 國語堂牧者(2 年合約)

NYCBC is seeking a Mandarin Speaking Sub-Congregation Pastor.
For more information, please contact:

本會將增聘一位國語堂牧者, 詳情可聯絡聘請委員會

Job Description 職位簡介

NYCBC is seeking a Children Minister in Family Ministries. 

For more information, please contact the search committee:  Deacon Vincent Choi (Coordinator), Pastor Joel Tang, Amar Sum, Lin Nie, Roger Ng and Frances Ng. 


Job Description 職位簡介


English Speaking Congregation Pastor (2-year contract)

NYCBC is seeking an assistant pastor for the English congregation.
For more information or to apply, please contact:

Job Description

Women Minister (2-year contract) 粵語堂婦女傳道(兩年合約)

NYCBC is seeking a Women Minister (2-year contract) for its Cantonese Speaking Congregation (CSC).
For more information, please contact Search Committee:

Job description 職位簡介